Branding Services

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Database Solution - Connect with largest pool of candidates in lesser time

With 2.3 crores resumes and over 20,000 new resumes added every day, we offer the largest database of candidates. Best in industry head hunting tools to connect with active and passive job seekers.

  • HireXS

    Opt for the country's best in class resume database to make your hiring more effective and productive as per your requirement. Know More

    Region Specific

    You can subscribe for Region Specific Database

    Full | North | East | West | South | Gulf | International
    Additional Licenses

    Buy Additional User Licenses Independently for a required time period. Know more

  • Flexi HireXS

    Choose the product as per your requirement; use our database at ultra low costs with the flexibility of using your number of days anytime within the validity. Know More productive as per your requirement. Know More

    Region Specific

    You can subscribe for Region Specific Database

    Full | North | East | West | South | Gulf | International

Job Postings Solutions - Find the right skilled candidates

In the world of new generation, as more job seekers use the Internet for job search, posting online jobs has to be part of your hiring strategy. But where you post your jobs can make all the difference. TimesJobs Job Postings Solutions get your jobs noticed by more qualified candidates. Along with your Job Postings, you get all the tools you need to manage responses.

Job Posting

Finding the right skilled candidates can be a challenge. Meet this challenge successfully with TimesJobs Job Posting Solutions. Know more

Starting Price: Rs 1500.0

SMS Services - Reach out to a larger audience in a shorter span of time

Our SMS Based Products enables recruiters to send SMS to targeted candidates at a single click. With this service even multiple candidates can be contacted at one go and you can receive their responses and applications. This exclusive service allows recruiters to send SMS to selected multiple candidates through TimesJobs.

  • SMS Package

    Why wait for candidate to check mailbox? We have a variety of SMS pack to suit your need depending on the number of SMS and validity.

    Know More

    Starting Price: Rs 537.0
  • Bulk SMS Package

    Reach out to more candidates by sending SMS in bulk. With TimesJobs Bulk SMS solutions you can send SMS to multiple candidates at a time. Know more

    Starting Price: Rs 0.0

Branding Services- Attract the right candidates

If you have specialized hiring needs and looking to increase awareness of your company with the right demographics, don't look around. TimesJobs is right here to help. Whether it's seamless company microsite hosting, creative ways to promote your brand, TimesJobs has the right solutions.

Visibility Services

Your company brand is one of your most valuable assets. TimesJobs help you choose the branding initiative that will have the most positive impact for your company, including advertising, sponsorships, custom branding at its home page and much more to reach the best talent for your organisation. Know More

Special Visibility Services

TimesJobs Special Visibility Services will take your recruiting to the next level by promoting your company's brand with TimesJobs powerful recruitment cum branding solution by TimesJobs. Showcase your company and its openings in Walk-in zone, Job alert banner and E-mail Newsletter services. Know more

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